We've all read stories about the brutal human rights violations that occurred in Libya prior to Gaddafi's death, but a recent video that surfaced on YouTube has really gotten people talking.


The video titled in Arabic translates as, "Original video of foreign journalist being raped in Benghazi." It depicts a woman being raped in Benghazi, Libya. Coincidentally, Benghazi is also the home city of Iman al-Obeidi, the woman who accused Gaddafi supporters of raping her last March.

The video has since been taken down, but leaves many questions unanswered such as who raped her, who posted it on the internet, and will the victim ever get justice? Here are more details from Jezebel on the possible identity of the poster:

The video was posted yesterday by a user named libya19692011. He's posted one other video, in August of last year — it's still available, and appears to depict some sort of gun battle. His username seems to be a reference to Gaddafi, who ruled Libya from 1969 until 2011. libya19692011 also has a Twitter feed, under the name Ahmed Aldorssi. His two English-language tweets, both from January 9, 2011, read "libya" and "long life the king of africa." Another tweet, from February 2011, reads "Great Jamihiriya," a name Gaddafi coined for Libya. People familiar with Middle Eastern politics who have seen the video speculate that it may have been made by Gaddafi loyalists, which would be in keeping with Aldorssi's tweets.
Stay tuned for further updates.