If you prefer chardonnay over red, then you may risk your cup runneth over. According to researchers from Iowa State University, sipping on white wine might make you end up drinking more of the stuff.

For the study, participants were ordered to pour white wine into a clear glass, and ended up pouring nine percent more wine than people who poured red wine into a clear glass. And if the glass was especially wide, the white wine drinkers would pour twelve percent more wine.

The researchers theorize that this may be because white wine has less contrast than red wine to a clear glass.
Ask someone how much they drink and they report it in a number of servings, for a self-pour that's just not telling the whole story.

One person's two is totally different than another person's two. Participants in the study were asked to pour the same amount at each setting, but they just couldn't tell the difference.
So there you have it white wine drinkers, science just told you that you're probably way drunker than you actually thought. So take it easy on the bubbly already or you might end up sounding like this defensive drunk below:
