Expedia Built a VR Room to Help Sick Kids Travel The World
VR isn't very popular yet. The adoption rate isn't picking up as fast, but it should most definitely be used for one of these things: Expedia building a VR room to help sick kids travel the world.
A "Tree in The House" Home
This design is known as 'Tree in the House' and was originally conceptualized in 2013. Sadly, it did not materialize as investors pulled out. Now a new investor wants this made. It looks beautiful. Check it out below:
What if Makeup Ads Were Honest?
If they were, they probably wouldn't be able to sell any. Maybe. Check it out:
Watch This Busty Girl Explain Why Having Big Boobs is The Worst
It may sound like the best thing in the world to be well-endowed in the bosom area, but it actually isn't. Watch as this girl explains why it isn't as glorious as most people think.
14 Times Life Was Perfect
You know life is perfect when things just happen right and you get more than what you bargained or even paid for. Here are some 15 times you can’t deny you wished happened to you every other day. 1. When you pull RM20 from a pair of jeans you’ve not...
Can You Actually Survive On a 2GB Data Plan?
Before the “data wars” started, I’ve always felt that 2GB of data was more than sufficient. After all, I was in a Wi-Fi network most of the time. 8 months and a baby later, I found out how wrong I was. When it was enough. In 2014, videos were gettin...
The Rich Kids of Hong Kong Show Off Their Talent in Spending Money
The rich kids of Hong Kong sure know how to spend their parents' money. From a population of 7.2 million people, 55 are billionaires, and here's checking out how their kids live in lavish and envious lifestyles. Check it out: 1. 2. 3. ...
This is 100 Years of Engagement Ring Trends in Three Minutes
Mode just released a video showing a century’s worth of the most popular engagement ring styles by decade. Look at all the money we've spent to get down on one knee.
Now You Can Pee While Wearing a Dress. Seriously
Peeing when wearing your wedding dress can be serious hell. So this invention was born out of the trouble of doing so. It doesn't require you to do much, and it's basically adult diapers! The Bridal Buddy allows brides to do their business without a...
11 First World Problems You Have in Starbucks
The struggle is real, and sometimes, it's really a problem. This is your life when you visit Starbucks. It happens! Check it out below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
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