These Hand Grinders Can Have All Kinds of Poses
Why settle for the usual and normal wooden grinders when you can get this pair. It looks like hands on the top. For $120 a pair, they're pretty costly for sure but it will work as the best conversation piece all night on the dinner table. [Acacia Li...
This Video Has Everything You've Forgotten About The Year 1994 [VIDEO]
With 2014 slowly creeping in, Slacktory is here to remind us all about everything we've already forgotten about what life was like 20 years ago. Sit back, relax, and get ready to feel very, very old.
Britney Spears Yearns For Love in "Perfume" [VIDEO]
There's no denying that Britney Spears' amazing body is back. Her latest music video for "Perfume" is basically about a love triangle in which she can't escape, but it's also about a product placement that the audience wishes they can escape. Watc...
BMI Isn't The Best Way To Gauge Your Health
A lot of people think that the number of your Body Mass Index is still the best way to indicate whether you are at a healthy weight or not. But according to the health experts, while BMIs may provide you with a more flattering look at your health s...
Lea Michelle Has a New Song
Lea Michelle decides to break out of auto tune Glee to launch her own album, titled Louder. Here's a sneak peek of her latest single "Cannonball". What do you think?
Dance Like a Maniac. Get Famous on Instagram [VIDEO]
There is no sure fire way to get famous on social media, but perhaps the one recipe is to act like a maniac. Adam Carpenter loves to dance and he loves to share his love of dance with the world. And while it may seem silly, the Internet just lov...
These Mice Are So Ready For Christmas [VIDEO]
Have you even bothered to set up your Christmas tree this year? Maybe all you need is a little extra motivation. And if this video featuring talented mice decorating a mini Christmas tree doesn't lift your spirits, we don't know what will. [Vega...
Exfoliate Your Lips With a Toothbrush to Avoid Chapped Lips
We exfoliate our face but what about our lips? Chapped lips aren't attractive, and there's only so much lip balm to go around. To get rid of it, use your toothbrush to do so. Apply a little bit of lip balm or Vaseline to your toothbrush and brush yo...
Diet Soda Sales Fell in 2013
Diet soda is slowly losing its hold on people's minds. Its sales fell 6.8% this year. Health fears about the artificial sweeteners used in zero- and low-calorie sodas—like aspartame, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium—are chasing consumers away. As...
Justin Bieber Is Feeling "Confident" [VIDEO]
This latest single features a collaboration with Chicago upstart Chance the Rapper. According to Billboard, Justin Belieber is also currently creating a temporary collection of all of his Music Monday tracks entitled Journals.
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