The Real Difference Between The Male And Female Brain
Scientists have long known that male and female brains are distinct, but the degree of these differences, and whether they impact behavior is still somewhat of a mystery. However, the latest brain research has revealed some interesting differences b...
PETA Wants You to Take 'Plan V' if You Are 'Too Fat for Plan B'
PETA has inaccurately connected themselves to the recent news about Plan B's ineffectiveness for women over 80kg. Instead, PETA is suggesting women use "Plan V" - because becoming a vegan "will help you lose weight". Their press release, "PETA Launc...
Anonymous Woman Whose Breast Was on the New York Times Writes Open Letter to Address Readers
An upper torso of an anonymous woman showed on the front page of the New York Times last week. It caused quite a bit of controversy, and now the woman in question has written a letter responding to readers. The 28 year old Israeli woman says she tho...
Katy Perry's New Instagram Map Wants to Document Unconditional Love Around the Globe [VIDEO]
Katy Perry unveiled PrismLights on Monday - an interactive website compiling Instagram photos tagged with #KatyUnconditionally onto a map. The pop star wants fans on Instagram to show her and other fans what unconditional love means to them. "Unc...
Pregnant Woman Visiting UK Forcibly Sedated & Given C-Section
This story is just so many shades of messed up. The Sunday Telegraph reports that an Italian woman who was in Britain on a work trip had her unborn child taken from her womb after she suffered a mental breakdown.She came to Britain in July last year...
Your Computer Mouse Might Be Giving Cats Seizures
This has to be the worse news since we found out about Keyboard Cat's death. New feline research from the UK claims that things like pen clicking, fingernail biting, cutlery dropping, and mouse clicking may trigger seizures in cats.The research bega...
Lady Gaga's Silicon Doll Looks Freaky and Just Like Her [VIDEO]
Lady Gaga continues to fashion projects for her album "ARTPOP". The latest? Gaga teamed up with manufacturers in Japan to create GAGADOLL, a humanoid silicon doll that looks just like her. Yahoo Japan teamed up with Gaga and the doll makers to c...
Can You Tell What This Baby is Singing? [VIDEO]
So babies sometimes make noises. Is this one singing? And if so, just what is she singing? Beyonce? Rihanna? Waste your time with it and watch it below:
Barbie's New Game Might Creep You Out, Big Time [VIDEO]
Check out the gameplay footage of Barbie's Dreamhouse Party, recorded by Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Will you play it? Here's another look at it and the video is titled: "Why has Barbie let this man in her house". Do we really want to let kids play th...
The Piano Guys Play ‘Angels We Have Heard On High’ Medley On One Piano [VIDEO]
The Piano Guys are back and they're feeling the spirit of Christmas in this video. Paul Anderson, Jon Schmidt, Al van der Beek, and Steven Sharp Nelson performed Angels We Have Heard On High on just one piano.Watch the video below:
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