Instagram is Worried About Lady Gaga, Sends Her an Email
Following a number of recent posts by Lady Gaga on the photo-sharing site, Instagram decided to email Lady Gaga and ask her if she's okay. Of course, the star found it hilarious, tweeting the information sent to her by Instagram: omg at this email...
The Most Douchebag Campaign Today: 'Motorboating for Breast Cancer Awareness' [NSFW]
This latest Breast Cancer Acknowledging gesture campaign consists of some douchebaggery stunts. It involves a guy motorboating some woman's boobs. The group responsible for this is the "Simple Pickup". They are the same group of males who forcefull...
This Tiny Accessory Transforms Your iPhone into a Ballpoint Pen
Remember the days when sending messages and jotting down notes involved actually writing them down using pen and paper? Well, now you can relive those pre-smartphone days with this accessory called 'Jackpen'. Invented by Andrew Jewson, this mini...
What to Expect From Victoria's Secret Huge Announcement Tomorrow
The annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is scheduled to take place next month. This post on their official Twitter account teases a big surprise. The brand has already announced that models Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Lily Aldridge, Candic...
The Many Ways Pregnancy Can Fuck Up Your Body
Just in time for Horror-ween, the Wall Street Journal has compiled stories on various ways having a baby can wreck a woman's body.Painful examples include abdominal muscles that lengthen during pregnancy and spines becoming s-shaped. And then you ha...
The Most Offensive Music Video You'll See Today is Alison Gold's "Chinese Food"
From the same folks who brought you Rebecca Black's "Friday," Ark Music Factory has cursed the Internet once more with this video: "Chinese Food". Alison Gold is the new Rebecca Black. The overall horrible song is going viral now for being so ba...
Fit Mom Flamed On Facebook For Showing Off Post-Baby Body
Check out those abs! Maria Kang is a freelance writer/fitness blogger who also happens to be a mother of three cute kids. But you might not have guessed the last point, since her post-pregnancy body is pretty rocking.Unfortunately, not everyone is ...
Are Thongs Bad For Your Health?
Thongs save your ass, literally, from hideous VPLs. But sometimes our thongs can be bad for us in a way when they're too tight, or when they rub the wrong way. But are they really bad for our health? The Huffington Post spoke to Dr. Jill M. Rabin, A...
Oreo Cookies are Just as Addictive as Drugs
Put that Oreo cookie down! It's going to turn you into a junk-food junkie. At least according to researchers at Connecticut College, who found evidence that Oreo cookies are just as addictive as cocaine. What the fuzz. Neuroscience senior Jamie Hono...
China Distributes Manuals To Make Chinese Tourists Less Embarassing
Remember all those reports about Chinese tourists doing terrible things while on holiday, which include vandalizing ancient pyramids and posing next to dead dolphins? In light of all this negative publicity, China’s National Tourism Administration ...
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