
Doodling on a zip-lock bag has never looked so cool. These doodles were all done by proud papa David LaFerriere. The project began back in 2008, and has steadily gained a massive following online.

He's since created a Flickr account that collects all of the culinary images he's crafted over the years. As for why he keeps on doing it, LaFerriere says:
"The sandwich bags are something that my boys and I share together," he told flickr. "But the comments people leave about a parent doing something similar really touches me, because there are other parents that love their kids just as much. And they love them enough to leave a little note, a little whatever it may be… that's just something that brightens their day when they get to their lunch."
So if your hand-packed lunch has been looking a little stale lately, you'll know what to do. Check out the rest of LaFerriere's doodles here.