
Why in the world would someone like Jay-Z would be so secretive about his real age? Apparently, the rapper-mogul has been hiding the fact that he's actually 50-years-old!
According to radio host and culture critic Troi Torain, popularly known as Star, Beyoncé's husband is 50 and not the 44 that public records indicate.

And how did Torain know this? Because they are "age mates", he said.

"I shouldn't blow this up, maybe because he doesn't promote it publicly, but Jay-Z and I are the same age," he told a caller on his radio show Star: Live and Direct.

"I will be 50 on May 3. He's 43, 42... that's just media bull****!"
If the claim is true, that would make Jay-Z i.e. Shawn Cater 18-years-older than Beyoncé. We doubt the couple really gives a crap about the whole age gap thing. After all, its still just a number.
