[Opening line goes here...]

Idea pops into head
Feel excited
Run to computer
Frantically open writing program
Start typing
...Spend at least 10 mins on perfecting opening line
Furrow eyebrows/ stroke chin/ tap forehead in attempt to appear in "deep thought"


Decide to take a break

Make coffee
Stare outside window
Light cigarette
Daydream for 20 minutes
Finish coffee
Return to desk
Desk looks  messy, decide to arrange stuff to "clear your head"


Once done, continue staring at opening line
Receive message on Skype/Messenger/FB
Chit-chat for 30 minutes, make plans to do stuff after work
Tell other person you have to get back to work because "you're in the middle of super important stuff"
Open window again


Opening line still there, mocking you

Start to question your writing abilities
Start to panic on whether you've chosen the right career / if you're a fraud
Decide to surf internet for "inspiration"
Spend next hour and half laughing at stupid videos / cyberstalking your ex


Look at clock and realize you've been procrastinating for nearly 2 hours and have barely written anything!

Motivate yourself to at least finish the first paragraph
Start frantically typing whatever pops into your head


Finish first paragraph, feel very good about it

Convince yourself you deserve a break
Make coffee, light cigarette, daydream about what you're going to do after work
Check clock, almost quitting time
Head back to desk
Stare at first paragraph, feel defeated because it's full of crap


Silently mope at desk while feeling like a complete failure

Check traffic situation
Traffic not too bad today, decide to save and continue tomorrow...