Out of all the dynamic and vibrant places you can visit while travelling the world, Las Vegas is definitely one of the most popular, and undoubtedly one of the most exhilarating. Annually, Las Vegas welcomes approximately 40,000,000 visitors; a rather astonishing and impressive figure to say the least. Due to the appeal that Vegas has to people far and wide, Gala Casino have complied a list of some of the most intriguing facts about the 'City of Sin'.


The entertainment epicentre is best known for its colourful nightlife, buzzing casinos and fine restaurants and bars, so naturally there are many intriguing facts about drinking and dining within the city. One of the most unusual facts, which is also a law, is that you're not allowed to order for over three people (in addition to yourself) when it's your turn for the drinks. Therefore, it's always best to try and vary whom orders drinks when you're out and about in a large group, as reaffirmed by Venere.

In keeping with whetting ones appetite, you also have the staggering fact that roughly 60,000 pounds of shrimp are eaten every single day in Las Vegas, most commonly in its hors d'oeuvres form of shrimp cocktail. Although there is speculation about why this mass consumption occurs daily, nobody is absolutely sure.

Moving beyond tasting the delicacies, there are plenty of casino related facts that you should actually be aware of when visiting this vivid city. An interesting one that might have you deciding to wear your watch next time you're trying your luck as a high roller is that Las Vegas casino gaming rooms have no clocks. This little trick isn't alone in fooling you into spending more time and money gambling away though - casinos also have maze like layouts, tend to have no windows, and often give free alcohol to players. It's all about blurring the line of reality and keeping you fixated on your game - smart and subtle.

Another interesting fact, though not necessarily surprising, is that Las Vegas is one of the brightest vegas3.jpglocations on the earth when observed from space. All those stunning lights that lure us in burn brightly into the night’s sky, a beautiful, yet potentially wasteful use of energy.

That being said, when large neon signs like the cowboy are so intrinsic and iconic to the Las Vegas culture, it's not hard to understand how or why the city continues to beam all year round. All in all those lights draw you in and guide you through the city at night.

Gala Casino have discovered other facts and figures that haven't even made it into this list, so if you're interested in finding out more weird and wonderful facts, you can visit here. Regardless of whether you read more or not, you can be sure that Las Vegas is a unique place that few other tourist destinations compare to.