India has begun to take great measures to clean up their streets by releasing public service announcements that encourage citizens to stop shitting and pissing wherever they like. This may seem hilarious to you because your government, or NGOs, does not need to tell you where to take your business.

India is home to the second-largest population in the world, and half of that number don't have access to toilets. But the country is trying to change all that, and get their people off the streets and into the loo. Their efforts were first noticed with this Poo Party song, and now they've unleashed The Pissing Tanker, which will teach you a wet and painful lesson if you relieve yourself on the streets.

The video is hilarious, but you wouldn't want to be the guy caught pissing on a wall. Or tree. Or sidewalk. Or anywhere The Pissing Tanker can see you.