Most female celebrities rise to fame because of their good looks. But these geeky celebs have not only made their mark in Hollywood; they've also made a big impact in the realm of geekdom.

Here are the hottest female celebrities who are more than happy to indulge in other activities ranging from graduating from prestigious universities, spending countless of hours on "World of Warcraft", or enduring days of Comic Con.

1. Natalie Portman

This Oscar winner has a Harvard degree in psychology, scientific journalist and political activist.

2. Emma Watson

Remember that wizard prodigy from Hogwarts? She's now a sought-after actress, fashion icon and Brown University graduate with a degree in English literature.

3. Megan Fox

Megan Fox is the stuff that geeky wet dreams are made of. When not filming in Michael Bay's TMNT reboot, this hot mama claims to spend most of her free time playing video games like Halo.

4. Cindy Crawford

Cindy was awarded an academic scholorship to study chemical engineering at Northwestern University, but had to give it up once her modeling career took off. These days, she's raising funds for various science and medical research charities. A true definition of SUPERmodel!

5. Kristen Bell

You might not realize this, but Lucy Stillman from Assassin's Creed was actually based on Kristen Bell. She also once donned a Princess Leia gold bikini outfit for a role in the movie "Fanboys".

6. Mila Kunis

If you don't know who Mila is, you've probably been living under a rock for the last few decades. Funny, talented and gorgeous, Mila confesses that she's addicted to World of Warcraft, but had to give it up to focus on her life.

7. Rosario Dawson

This exotic beauty recently released her own comic book titled "Occult Crimes Taskforce", and even lent her likeness to the main character.

8. Tina Fey

There's no denying that Tina Fey's nerd cred is incredible. Not only is she well-versed in Star Wars references, she also proves that you can be a nerdy while still looking smoking hot.

9. Olivia Munn

From G4's Attack of the Show to magazine covers and movie roles, Olivia does it all while looking smoking hot in her favourite sci-fi/superhero character costumes.

10. Adrianne Curry

This former ANTM winner is a Comic-Con staple. During her spare time, she likes tweeting photos of herself playing World of Warcraft with nothing but headset on.

11. Rashida Jones

When she's not acting in films and tv shows, this Harvard grad is busy developing her own comic book series titled "Frenemy of the STate." And she's also a big fan of Call of Duty (her screen name is "KarenTheJimSlayer")

12. Kate Beckinsale

Renowned for her ability to kick butt on the big screen, this Oxford dropout is also an accomplished writer who won the British bookseller W.H. Smith Young Writer's competition twice in her teens.