A bar in New Zealand got broken into because some blokes were just too thirsty for some booze. The owner uploaded the CCTV footage from the incident, and specifically pointed out one of them who couldn't even lift a 50L keg of beer.

Check out the robber struggling only to put it down and then go for some easier kill.


The bar has figured out a new defense system now, which they uploaded on Facebook. 

New barrier for The Block - after observing our latest visitors full kegs appear to be more effective in stopping thieves than glass.

Posted by The Block Cafe on Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Watch the footage below:

DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRO? WANTED: These 3 bright sparks broke into The Block in the early hours of Friday morning approx 12:38am. Driving a white mid 90's Honda Accord station wagon. Still awaiting confirmation on number plate details but any additional info would be greatly appreciated! Cheers

Posted by The Block Cafe on Sunday, June 21, 2015