This Mushroom in Hawaii Drives Women Instantly "Crazy"
Scientists have discovered a new kind of fungus that makes women go instantly crazy. And by crazy we mean orgasm. Say what? Does that mean you don't have to do any more of the work? Just rely on fungi? This discovery was made in 2001 but we've only got to hear about it.
The mushroom only grows on lava flows on the island, which makes it pretty difficult to locate.
Scientists recorded in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms that they had found an orange one in Hawaii.
It makes women climax for NO REASON.
Half of the volunteers for the study experienced spontaneous orgasms.
The results suggests that a hormone-like compound present in the volatile portion of the spore mass may have similarity to human neutransmitters released during sexual encounters.
The mushroom only grows on lava flows on the island, which makes it pretty difficult to locate.
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