If you are planning to make a trip in 2017, don't forget to include Vegas in your list.
There is no other city on the Earth, which can compete with Vegas shows, concerts, and parties. 2017 promises to be one of the brightest years in Vegas history. See for yourself!

5 Must Visit Events in 2017

1.    Shows And Concerts.
We can’t imagine Vegas without famous musical shows and concerts. 2017 will bring even more emotions, impressions, and pleasures. Upcoming events include something to the taste of everyone. The fans of comedy, drama, magic, music, and dance will be satisfied in full. We’re talking about the best Las Vegas Shows 2017, which include Beatleshow Orchestra, Tribute Show – MJ LIVE, O Show Bellagio by Cirque Du Soleil, Blue Man, Le Reve The Dream, Brad Garret’s Comedy Club, Jennifer Lopez, Cher, Elton John, Britney Spears, and Mariah Carey Concerts, Academy of Country Music Awards, and much more. Can’t decide? It’s not a problem. Split your interests and visit several shows in a row. You can’t miss fabulous theater productions and performances. Don’t wait and book your tickets to the hottest concerts of the year in advance.


2.    High Roller. If you are looking for the best place to see Las Vegas from, ride a High Roller. We guarantee you the breathtaking panoramic views and unforgettable emotions. The wheel is considered to be the largest one in the world (550 feet). Grab a cold drink and enjoy the view of the sunset with your friends and family members. Don’t miss an opportunity to make the best Instagram photos here!

3.    The Mob Museum. Learn the history of Vegas in The Mob Museum. Bold facts, short films, rare artifacts, and photos. Get to know what is a true history of the mob and how it is related to Vegas.

4.    Grand Canyon Tours. These are the tours, which are considered to be the most popular among international visitors of Vegas. The tours are booked two and three months before. Small groups, educated guides, fantastic views, and plenty of pictures. Visit Hoover Da, Grand Canyon, and Route 66 at once. With this trip, you should be prepared for unbelievable landscapes, strong emotions, and genuine pleasure.

5.    Fountain Performance. Between rock and country concerts you can enjoy the unforgettable Bellagio Fountain show. It is a fountain performance with a special music and dance program in front of the Bellagio hotel. This is will the best ending for your trip to Vegas.

Of course, every year Las Vegas offers new performances and events. But 2017 is already showing the best of the best. So, don’t wait till the next year. Give it a try, and visit at least one of the famous Vegas shows of 2017.