What links CBD and anxiety? Maybe you already know just how beneficial the use of CBD can be in treating various physical ailments. But did you know it can help with anxiety, too? Researchers at Vanderbilt University, studying a group of mice, found that cannabinoid receptors exist in areas of the brain normally linked with emotion. 

These receptors are also closely associated with the effects of anxiety. If it is true that these receptors also exist in the amygdala of humans then that would explain why CBD for anxiety treatment has proven so effective helping people with those disorders. 


For some people out there who suffer various anxiety disorders, high doses of THC might be just the thing. But on the other hand, there are some that feel the introduction of psychoactive THC can be a little much. Especially so, if they’re already incredibly prone to becoming anxious just from their general day-to-day. CBD, on the other hand, produces a far less hazy or cloudy effect on the psyche. Studies have shown that there are cannabinoid receptors in the brain associated with emotions. 

Of course, it can sometimes feel as though there are as many strains as there are people who need them. Because of that figuring out what is best for you can be a long process. We’ve compiled a list of seven of the best for treating anxiety. Most of these strains favour higher levels of CBD than THC which is important for controlling anxiety. From now on you’ll see how CBD and anxiety treatment are terms that should be placed together. 

Sour Tsunami 
Sour Tsunami is a strain that has been made specifically to have high levels of CBD within it. Unlike other strains, this one favours having CBD than THC. Because of this Sour Tsunami is particularly great for treating inflammation and pain. All of that without producing any sort of high due to its low levels of THC. The levels of CBD in Sour Tsunami are perfect for helping to relieve feelings of anxiety and has been known to provide some with clear-headedness.
Stephen Hawking Kush
Stephen Hawking Kush, also known as SHK is the second strain to be released by Alphakronik Genes in their Great Minds series. It’s a powerful choice for anyone who’s in need of relief but doesn’t want to expose themselves to the mind-warp of THC-heavy strains. Though this strain won’t be very mind altering it will soothe aches and pains and leave you with a very mellow feeling in the body. For anyone caught up with anxious feelings then this is a perfect go-to strain for you.  

This is another strain of that is known for its high levels of CBD. Harlequin is 75% Sativa-dominant hybrid. It typically boasts between 8-16% CBD with a much smaller percentage of THC. Those who have used Harlequin say that it gives a more focused and energized experience than that of other strains. Because of these higher levels of CBD, it is much more able to offer those suffering from anxiety a sedated and relaxed experience. 

Most of these strains are very high in CBD but this is one with an incredible amount of CBD in it. The ratio of CBD to THC is an incredible 20:1. CBD levels in ACDC can frequently reach levels of 20% or higher. Because of its powerful anxiolytic effects, ACDC can be a very helpful strain of CBD for anxiety. Especially for treating those affected in ways that provide alertness and clarity. In general, it has been said that this particular strain helps people feel relaxed and happy. 

CBD Shark
This is a great strain for reducing anxiety in people, an indica-dominant strain with a one-to-one ratio of CBD to THC. Because of the small amounts of THC, there is very little chance of becoming a little intoxicated by psychoactive elements. But these levels of THC are helpful for falling asleep and for pain relief. People have said that CBD Shark produces a clear-minded and elated feeling. 

Unlike a lot of other strains on this list, Canna-tsu has got a slightly higher THC level. Somewhere around 7 or 8 percent. This means that it might have a bit more of a psychoactive effect than someone who only ever indulges CBD. But this hybrid strain gives off sweet earthy flavours and will give you a deep, mellow feeling. This is the perfect strain for those treating pain or suffering from anxiety. 

And the last strain on our list is a great choice of CBD for anxiety problems. Named after the patron saint of love, epilepsy, and fainting you know you’re in good hands. Valentine X is a fifty-fifty hybrid strain with a massive 25:1 ratio favouring CBD over THC. Such powerful amounts of CBD are sure to leave you feeling deeply relaxed, settled, and uplifted. If you’re prone to feelings of anxiety or worry then this is a wonderful strain to opt for.