Headquartered in Los Angeles, California and established in 2008, InventureX is essentially a performance-based crowdfunding marketing and promotion agency.  Since 2012, InventureX has assisted more than 350 inventors and entrepreneurs in raising over $20 million on crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo.  

In addition, InventureX have an 86 percent success rate, which represents the highest in the industry.  InventureX has also been credited with being the highest ranked crowdfunding agency.  To assist startups in navigating through the variety of crowdfunding options, InventureX assist in launching winning crowdfunding campaigns on popular platforms. 

Is Crowdfunding the Next Frontier for Fund Raising?

Crowdfunding is basically a type of alternative startup finance that involves getting funding for your project or business venture by raising fairly small sums of money from a big group of individuals, usually by way of online crowdfunding platforms.  Crowdfunding can be viewed as a unique approach to business financing.  It assists in streamlining the customary model of obtaining financial support for a company or product.  

Essentially, you have one platform, which will be built and this platform will be used to highlight and pitch your resources.  With this approach, it becomes much easier to get the opportunity to demonstrate your business, product, or plans to a number of interested parties.  Additionally, you will be able to provide them with more methods of helping the growth of your company or brand.  The money you get during your crowdfunding campaign can be used to help you launch an app or a product.

How InventureX Can Speed Up the Crowdfunding Process

Without proper planning and the right marketing strategy, it is highly likely that your crowdfunding campaign will fail, which will prevent you from attaining your entrepreneurial goals. Due to the rising popularity of crowdfunding, it has become more challenging for new ideas to become noticeable on the platforms.  Moreover, you could potentially make expensive mistakes in your initial crowdfunding campaign if you choose to personally run your campaign. Thankfully, you can partner with InventureX to increase your chances of having your project funded on Indiegogo or Kickstarter. 

In fact, InventureX reviews and several studies have revealed that entrepreneurs who use the services of an expert crowdfunding service are three times as likely to receive funding in comparison to those who run crowdfunding campaigns on their own.  Particularly, the InventureX team makes use of proven marketing and branding techniques including Facebook Ads, PR, and the most up-to-date social medial marketing strategies to put your ideas before the right audience.  By formulating a crowdfunding plan, choosing applicable marketing channels, and helping you to achieve your goal in one go, they will expedite the process and get you the global recognition and funding you need.

What's The Press Saying About InventureX?

There are lots of remarkable things being said about the agency in InventureX reviews and in the press.  Both businesses and solo entrepreneurs have hailed the expertise of the agency, which has enabled them to successfully and consistently launch crowdfunding campaigns.  For example, Agam Berry, who is an experienced entrepreneur, has sung their praises.  Many have applauded the approach taken by the agency in assisting clients to formulate business plans that allow investors to have a clear view of how their money will be spent, which is a vital step for all inventors and entrepreneurs.

The Startup Mag has also published a review describing its experience with using InventureX.  From their account, the agency assesses the concepts of prospective clients before agreeing to collaborate with them. This important vetting filter provides protection for the interests of investors.

Bring Your Idea to Life Today

For more information on how to bring your idea to life, you can log on to https://inventurex.com/launch to arrange a consultation and learn how they can help.  Additionally, you can follow them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/inventurex/ and Twitter at https://twitter.com/inventure_x for more inspiration and insights.  You can also access their blog by visiting https://inventurex.wordpress.com/.