It is the wish of every student to craft top-quality academic papers, and most importantly, get the best grades out of their efforts. However, not many have what it takes to do it. It could be because some are too lazy to look for information in library archives and books, or just the lack of requisite literary skills is making it difficult for them to become proficient. In a nutshell, there are many reasons for failing to produce a comprehensive write-up. 


However, with the right information on how to do things the right way, including why sometimes consulting a top writing service such as StudyMoose, any student can craft a masterpiece. Now, assuming you already figured out a basic outline/structure for your essay, how then do you go about presenting supporting details?
Well, writing experts who have shared their opinions on this issue always agree that for an essay to score high, every point must have proof. You are not going to put down main ideas on paper and leave it like that and expect to get a 100% score. Therefore, to help you learn how to weave your points comprehensively, let’s start by exploring the basics.

What do you understand by ‘supporting details?’
Imagine that you have a case to answer in a court, and as the accused, winning it depends on how you explain yourself against accusations by a defendant. Or imagine yourself being the main speaker in a global event that seeks to sensitize people on climate change. How do you make sure that at the end of your presentation, everyone applauds you for a job well done? 

In this scenario, decisions arising out of court proceedings may sometimes require a Yes or No answer, but you can always divulge as much information as possible given a chance. In the second instance, speaking at an event means you must make sure everyone leaves a venue impressed and satisfied. The begging question is how do you make sure it happens? 

Well, you must steer clear of being viewed as a superficial speaker. Give details to support the key points. The latter approach is what makes a presentation or a write-up powerful. 

Supporting details in academic essays
Now, let’s take a step further to explore the hard facts in academic essays.  It is noteworthy that for students to score the best marks in writing assignments, they must comprehensively explain points. You don’t just state points, but rather, expound on every point. With this at the back of your mind, getting it right when proving a point/idea, explaining definitions or giving additional information boils down to following:

Understand your thesis and topic
Writing an essay is sometimes like giving someone directions. You must give evidence and point out vital features at every turning point. But, regardless of how colorful you may want to paint a story, remaining relevant is crucial. Thus, when you get to searching for information, always remember that every point and ensuring details must have a strong connection with your topic or thesis statement. Anything else becomes null and void.

Aim to convince 
Stating facts in an essay is never enough; neither will it earn you the best marks. You must, therefore, take a leap further and persuade a reader by supporting your claim.  Give statistics if need be, and offer a comprehensive explanation. This way, your readers will be moved, sometimes intrigued. Moreover, cite your sources so that readers who want to further explore the topic check out your resources. 

Understand different types of supporting details and when to use them
Supporting details are many and varied. Depending on the nature or topic of your essay assignment, sometimes statistics alone are not enough to prove a point or convince readers.   Examples of additional information you can use to properly write your essay are facts, opinions, examples, experiences, and observation.

Break it down
There are times when pieces of additional information are too many to use in a single paragraph. Thus, it is imperative to break it down into sections for easy writing and high readability score. Whether you choose to use paragraphs of say three to four sentences or bullet points, the most important thing is that there is a cohesion of ideas and coherence of thought.

As you see, getting the right supporting details for your paper is not all that hard. The most difficult part in it is to understand what exactly you need to back up your thoughts and ideas. And when you know that, completing a decent write-up becomes a breeze.