
It’s all about campervans

A lot has happened in the world of campervans. Gone is the idea of uncomfortably cramming together too many people in a much to small space, or the notion of sleeping sitting up. 

Even though some might look back at memories such as these with a fondness and a nostalgic feeling, it usually ends there once they remember the pushing and shoving for space. Today, the world of campervans has transformed into a vast selection of comfortable alternatives with space for miles. Depending on how many people you are and for how long you will be travelling, there are endless alternatives to choose from. Case in point, Iceland camper rentals. Iceland is a beautiful and challenging destination to travel to and renting a campervan has become one of the favourite ways in which visitors choose to explore the island. is one of many sites online providing curious travellers ample information on how to best go about renting a campervan in Iceland. Once you have decided to rent a campervan in Iceland it might be nice to have some suggestions as to which sites to explore. This will help you plan the perfect road trip to make sure you don't miss out on any of the most spectacular sites. 

Comfort, comfort, comfort

Before heading out on your planed road trip in Iceland, it's vital to first make sure you have the perfect campervan. At Campervan Reykjavik you will receive everything you need in terms of information and of course the vehicle itself. As far as camper rentals in Iceland goes, this rental company is the one to choose. Here you will receive the best advice concerning which type of campervan to select based on how many travellers you are, how long you will be touring around the island, where exactly you will be driving as well as vital information on road safety and traffic regulations. Iceland is a breathtakingly beautiful place to visit and a road trip here will create memories for life. However, it is also a highly volatile environment to drive in and rapidly shifting weather conditions might throw you for a loop if you are not prepared. The campervan rental company will also be able to provide you with information on insurance, answer questions on gas as well as make sure you know where to pick up and leave your rented vehicle. It's good to choose a vehicle that has a high comfort level as well as add-ons such as GPS and Wi-Fi. 

Follow the Ring Road

Once you have the perfect campervan it's time to start exploring. Iceland is full of fantastic sites and experiences but if you are a first-time visitor on the island maybe it's a good thing to start by following the Ring Road. Iceland's Ring Road or Route 1 as it is also called, span around the entire island and it is possible to drive around it in approximately 12 to 13 hours. This is without stopping of course, which is a shame not to do as there are several magnificent sites along the highway. The first thing to notice about the Ring Road is that you most likely won't need a 4x4 vehicle as the road is bit easier to manoeuvre than say the F-roads. Usually when renting a campervan travellers tend to visit Iceland during the summer months as the weather is a bit more predictable and it is easier to make use of the many campsites that are scattered across the island. In order to give a basic idea of some of the attractions that you might find when driving around the Ring Road, a few examples will be given. 

When exploring the South Iceland part of the Ring Road you need to make sure to stop by two of the most spectacular waterfalls you will ever encounter, the Seljalandsfoss Waterfall and the Skogafoss Waterfall. Both provide a stunning backdrop to an already exquisite landscape. Not to mention the Black Sand Beaches of Vik, something you most likely have never seen before. 

Cruising down the East Iceland part of the Ring Road will take you to Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon which is the ideal place for parking the campervan for a while and exploring the natural surroundings by foot. The Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon and Diamond Beach are two other sites along this part of the Ring Road that will leave you absolutely flabbergasted. 

Reaching the North Iceland part of the Ring Road is equally spectacular with the Dettifoss Waterfall as well as the Hverir Geothermal Area and the Lake Myvatn Nature Baths. All of these sites simply scream relaxation. 

Finally, the West Iceland part of the Ring Road can boast about the Deildartunguhver, or in other terms, the hottest springs around.

Buckle up

Arrive in Iceland through Keflavik international airport and set your sights on Reykjavik. Spend a day in the city before your road trip by campervan begins. Acquaint yourself with the Road Administration and don't forget the Geysir, Gullfoss or Akureyri when exploring this magical island.