Marijuana needs a specific climate for its growth. No matter how much cherished this ‘high’ plant is, you just can’t grow it as you like without taking some measures. It needs specific temperature, care, and sunlight for the required outcomes. Your selected cannabis, environment, and the place of sowing the seeds will determine what will be the end product. Even the slightest change in the light, temperature, humidity, reflection and sir circulation have a huge impact on the perfect cannabis growth.


Here we have explained some tips to consider for growing cannabis in summer, spring, and autumn:

Just like the genetic make-up of humans plays a significant role in determining their traits. Similarly, the genetics of cannabis seeds also have a strong impact on the kind of product you will get. All your efforts of maintaining the garden and feeding growth nutrients will be useless if you will not select the seeds with the genetics that can’t give required outcomes. Like, some seeds just can’t give high-quality yields in huge amount because this isn’t their genetic make-up. So, it is better to go for feminized seeds of high quality to ditch the possibility of poor genetics.

Climate is another determinant of your cannabis production. Even if the genetics of cannabis seeds is on-point, things will not work as you want if the climate will not be fit for the growth. Some seeds are good for sunny outdoors, while others like more of a cooler environment. Today, most of the seeds are adapted for indoor cultivation to avoid the hassle. More and more people are indeed going for indoor cultivation, but it can’t beat the pleasure of growing cannabis in a large outdoor setting.

If you are also a seeker of this pleasure, then look out your local environment and selected seeds. If you are a resident of the southern side, then your cannabis will receive many sunny days, and if you live on the northern side, then it will be cooler. Choose your seeds once you have determined the environment your seeds will be encountering.

Besides climate, you should also check out the daily weather forecast. Some times of the year are rainy, windy and receive more sunlight. Check it out before giving your kick because the humidity is also an important factor besides general weather.

Air Circulation:
Just like other plants, cannabis can also be attacked by pests and molds. Fungus gnats and Spider mites are few of the cannabis lover pests which you should lookout. And one of its ways is to ensure that your plant gets fine air circulation and fresh air. It is also very essential for the proper and fast growth of plants. If you are growing indoor plants, then install one or two fans to maintain the airflow over and under the plant.

Cannabis can be difficult to grow, but taking care of them properly can give you the desired results. Shop this cannabis seed bank here to get your desired yield!