
To guarantee you have a long and successful career as a barber, you need to get an excellent barber school that will arm you with the knowledge and information you need to start your career on. 

Going to any barber school is not going to be enough. You need to find the best possible school. It’s not a walk in the park because there are various factors to consider. While you have plenty to worry about when searching for the new school and buying tools like barber scissors, you can narrow your list down to six tips that will guarantee you get the best barber school that will give you the best chance at success. 

1. Get References


It’s easy to go online and find barber schools around you. But, the best approach is to ask local professionals in the beauty industry. You can start with your favourite barber. If you love his or her skills, there’s a good chance you will like where they got them from. 

You can also ask local barbershops where they turn to when they need new hires. The right barber school will not only impart information but also make sure you’re ready to work when you graduate. Recommendations will give you honest opinions on the best schools to consider and what to look out for.  

2. Visit the schools 

To verify and obtain more information, you need to visit the schools a couple of times. During your visit, have a look at the curriculum, drop in on classes randomly and, if possible, get a copy of the tuition fees.

During your visits, observe whether the students have enough hands-on time with actual clients and not just dummies.

Through these visits, you can get a good idea of the approach the school uses and identify if it's the right fit. A thorough hands-on curriculum is what you're looking for. You should also assess the tutors to see if they are passionate about their work. 

Even though visiting the different schools might take time, it will save you the pain of paying only to find out you’re in the wrong institution. 

3. Ask about financial aid 


A barber school is not cheap. It can take a toll on your finances, especially if you're not working. The most intensive schools are most likely going to cost you a handsome penny. Financial assistance can come in handy in helping you complete the course in time without struggling too much. 

Some schools go as far as hiring financial aid advisors that can help you sort through the plethora of options available and identify the right one for you.  The advisors can help you find different scholarships and school grants. Some schools also have monthly payment plans that you can take advantage of. 

Financial aid is not only for students facing financial constraints. Preparing adequately with information is critical in case you run into unforeseen challenges. 

4. Accreditation


Your biggest undoing when finding a barber school is to find a great school that is not accredited. Accreditation is vital in helping you get into a school that offers high-quality certifications and degrees. Barber schools without accreditation often lack in the quality of training they offer their students.

On your first visit to the schools, you should ask if the school is accredited and which organisations it’s accredited under. This will give you a hint if you should continue paying attention to the school or strike it off your list. 

5. Placement rates 

Even if you have your action plan, it's essential to know how successful the school is with regard to its graduate finding jobs. There are barber schools whose students are hot-cake in the job market, while in others, their graduates are avoided like the plague.

Other than studying there, you will carry the name of the institution you choose with you. It will appear on your Curriculum Vitae and graduation papers. It’s important that you get involved with a name that will make it easier to advance your career and get a job. 

6. What about business education 

As a barber, you will be dealing directly with clients. Knowing how to handle and engage with clients is a critical factor for you to be successful. 

When choosing your preferred barber school, you need to find out how much time is dedicated to professional business skills. The training should be comprehensive and cover how the laws in the industry work, shop practices and possible a few entrepreneurial skills as well. 

You might not intend to start your own barbershop straight out of training, but the training is going to be critical should you ever decide to start your own establishment. 

What’s more, receiving business training makes you a more ready graduate with excellent barbering and communication skills. 

Practice, Practice and More Practice 

There's only so much an excellent barber school can do. It's up to you to horn your skills and improve your chances of realising your potential. Even with papers from the best barber school, you still need the skills to prove you're ready for the job market.

The only way you can achieve this is by constantly practicing. Through practice, you will get more comfortable with clippers and other hair cutting tools like barber scissors, and it will also help you master the art of communication and service skills with customers.

Ideally, you should start practicing once you're halfway through barber school. By this time, you have enough training to know your way around different tools and complete simple hairstyles effectively.  

The Takeaway 

Your success as a barber depends on the quality of the training you get. That's why picking the right barber school is absolutely essential. Given that there are quite a number of schools, it might take you a substantial amount of time to vet and verify all of them. However, you can skip the line by asking professionals around to help you narrow down your options.

With your future and passion on the line, taking time to give yourself the best shot is a small price to pay. With these tips, you can improve your chances of getting the best training and getting your barber career off to a great start.