Who is a visa and immigration consultant?
The immigration and visa consultant is somebody who is willing to help students, with all his knowledge regarding visa and immigration, which are internationally relocating. The major provision given by any visa consultant is to make their clients aware about all the legal struggles they might have to go through if they don’t submit all the documents properly. They also assist their clients while their relocation for the smooth documentation of their immigration and visa.


As a Canada study visa consultant one must also know how to deal with the strict timelines and communication with the authorities via emails and phone calls. And also it is necessary for the clients to understand the same by regular meetings with their consultants and also ask for translators if necessary. Therefore, it is the consultant’s responsibility to tailor the process according to their suitability so as to avoid any further confusion and struggles. A good consultant should also have the ability to understand and tackle with border control procedures as well as related legislation.

For Canada study visa it is also necessary for a consultant to divide his time equally among each client so that every client could be individually heard and understood.

Job description of a visa consultant

Being a visa and immigration consultant it is highly essential for the person to oversee all the aspects of Canada study visa and immigration service ensuring that the process turns out to be hassle free.
It is also necessary for a consultant to examine each client individually and deal with applications to get an assurance whether the client is suitable enough or not.
His job also includes to keep an eye over the completion of every admissible visa and immigration document and also to ensure that they are received within a given time of span by the existing government.
It is also important to have a strong as well as cordial relationship with all the clients and colleagues.
The consultant should stay prepared with all the fee quotes and essential information required by clients, colleagues or authorities.
The consultant himself should be learned enough with all the information where all the information needs to be correct and accurate while preparing and checking the legal documents.
As a consultant, he/she must be capable enough to help the clients in getting their Visa & Green cards done.
Skills & qualifications required for a visa consultant
There has to be great communication with fluent English speaking skills. Not only this, one has have experience in all the immigration procedures and OISC accreditation.
The consultants must stay motivated, enthusiastic and should have the spirit to work as a team. 
The negotiation skills should be on point since this particular job is centred on smooth communication and negotiation skills to tackle with clients, colleagues and authorities.
The consultant must also know how to deal with tight deadlines and work under pressure yet being able to provide the clients with high level of customer service.
The person must also be proficient with several computer software related to visa and immigration consultancy. 
So if you are willing to apply for study visa Canada then you must know everything about the person you will be consulting regarding the Canada study visa and immigration details.

Therefore, these many skills and qualifications will always help you choose the best Canada study visa consultants so that all the legal documentation regarding visa and immigration could be done.