If your parents or older family members pass away, you and your siblings may receive real estate split between you. In many cases, the descendants want to sell the property. However, doing this can be challenging. Sometimes the solution is to work with private money lenders for real estate to buy out your siblings and then sell the property.


What Is Involved in Probate?
When you inherit property, it must go through the probate process. Depending on the value and the complexity of the estate, you may be able to follow an expedited process. However, if not, this part of inheritance can be slow and laborious.

The process involves the courts determining who has the right to ownership of the inheritance assets. Once probate is complete, the court will give the executor of the will the right to distribute the assets. At this point, you and your siblings will be allowed to ask the courts for permission to sell the property. This would allow you to inherit the proceeds of the sale rather than the property itself.

Can You Sell the Property?
If you all come to an agreement to sell and the executor gets permission from the court to sell, it is fairly simple to do, especially if there is a clearly defined distribution of the value of the house. However, in many cases, coming to an agreement to sell can be challenging.

If you are unable to get everyone to agree to sell, it may be time for one sibling to buy the others out. This is easiest to do by looking for probate loans. This lets the one sibling to cash out the others then either keep or sell the property himself or herself.

Even buying out other siblings can be difficult if you can’t come to an agreement on the property’s value. Consider hiring an independent appraiser to determine what the real estate is worth. It can be significantly easier to trust a disinterested party rather than trying to come to an agreement mutually.

Are There Taxes?
As you likely know, you may have to pay taxes on the inherited property. Depending on the value of the overall estate, you may not need to pay taxes on the inherited property itself. However, if you make a profit on the house compared to the value at the point the owner(s) pass away, you will need to pay capital gains. This tax liability will be split between the siblings in the same distribution at the home’s value (usually equally).

Learning more about the process can help you make better choices when you inherit property. Unfortunately, dealing with money between family members isn’t always easy. You and your siblings may have different priorities, means and expectations.

Getting outside help from a lender can the whole process significantly easier. Look for some hard money lenders in your area. These private lenders are often significantly more willing to work with estates than banks. If you have inherited property with your siblings, make sure to understand all your options so that everyone can get a fair distribution.