Accidents are sudden, shocking, and traumatic. A personal injury comes with emotional and financial losses other than the physical damage. At this stage, you need a high quality personal injury lawyer who can maximize your recovery and secure the compensation. Whether a construction worker fell from a ladder or there is a road accident in New York City, the personal injury attorneys are specialized in these cases. A New York City Personal Injury Lawyer is well versed in liability and civil remedies law. 


After an accident, the victim has to deal with pain and medical bills. Excessive pain affects your job and family time. And the extra expenses that come along in the form of housekeeping services, childcare, and transportation services needs compensation. An insurance claim may help you out but don’t expect much from them. 

It Is Important to Fill Personal Injury Claim Wisely
Your injury matters, and you should get what you deserve. A high-quality Personal Injury Lawyer understands which aspects of the injury are in your control and provide you with the maximum amount possible. They work with other experts to build the case more strongly. 

It is important to preserve evidence and get medical treatment on time. It’s common psychology, and the opposition offers a settlement based on the strength of your case. Immediate photos of the accident scenes, correct names and contact information helps in making the case strong. 

A qualified personal injury lawyer helps to maximize your compensation at each stage. Juries make decisions based on evidence and conversation at trial. Since the attorney helps you to present your case in the best possible way, take time to select the most suitable injury lawyer.


Make Efforts To Run Your Case Well
Timings are vital when it comes to claiming and bringing your case. Once the time starts running out, important evidence may disappear, and witnesses may get busy in other things. So make sure your case gets underway soon. Take the help of medical experts, lawyers, and accident investigators to preserve the essential evidence. If the statute of limitations is over, you may lose it all. 

Hire a Personal injury lawyer to collect the evidence and get a fair recovery. Quick action gives the impression that you are serious about your loss. Don’t let social media ruin your case. Talking anything anywhere about your case will make the aspect of your case weaker. Remember, what you speak can be held against you in the court. 

Contact An Injury Lawyer Before The Insurance Company 
Calling the insurance company is the first thought that comes into the mind after an injury. It’s a crucial time for you. Action without thought may end up with minimum compensation. The insurance company may settle for far lower than you deserve. However, it is important to report the accident to the police before anything else. 

Schedule a consultation from New York City Personal Injury Lawyer after an injury. They will give you valuable counsel and guide you to get maximum compensation. For example, after a construction injury, a worker may be entitled to more than just worker’s compensation. A lawyer can help them file a lawsuit against the general contractor and site owner. 

Many questions need an answer from the experts such as what to If I'm involved in an accident? An injury lawyer will not only answer your queries but help you in getting out of those situations. 

Get Your Side Of Justice With Us
Searching for an attorney after being injured? Get the help from licensed and experienced lawyers at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolef New York City Personal Injury lawyers. Our lawyers maximize monetary compensation to the clients. We understand the impact of an injury to the individual and family. 

We prepare each case with responsibility and involve the suggestions of medical and economic experts. It helps in a thorough evaluation of how the injury has changed your way of living. Our efforts provide you the compensation you need to move forward with confidence and independence. 

It is not about the money and compensations we fight for; our actions see that justice is done, and people are safer. We know what it takes to get the justice you deserve. 

We work according to our motto, “Never A Fee Unless We Win Your Case.” Our experience and tenacity to negotiate on your behalf will make a difference to your case and, ultimately, to your life.