As a budding or already established business person, you will require coverage through press releases to increase public awareness of your brand.

Press releases are widely used as a public relations tool. How then do you get your press releases to the public?

Press release distribution services allow you to send your press releases to journalists without having to go through so much struggle.


Most importantly, press distribution release gets your business covered in various media for example newspapers, radio, TV news, bulletins, podcasts or even blogs. This exposes your brand to a broad audience. In addition, it boosts your search engine optimization. Many people will search for information related to your brand online if they spot it in a famous publication.

This, in turn, drives traffic to your business especially if you're covered by a famous publication. More traffic on your website generally means more sales. Getting your press release covered in a famous website is a sure tool for attracting investors to your company. Not only that, but press release distribution services are also more affordable and effective compared to paid advertising. 

Process of Press Release Distribution.

Find interested journalists.
Not all journalists are interested in your press release. The content in your press release should match up what the journalist specializes in. For instance, you can't send a medical press release to an automotive journalist. It will sound irrelevant and unimportant. In fact, it might end up getting deleted or marked as spam. 

Ensure you look for a journalist that specializes in the kind of content that your press release bears. Also, it is important to send your press release to diverse mediums. Do not send your press releases to magazines and newspapers only. Online news sites and blogs are also a good way to go.

Get the Journalist's contact information.
After finding your desired journalist, how do you reach out to them? Well, it is simple. If you found the journalist on a publication site through Google searches, click on the author's name on the publication site to get their email.

Alternatively, you can use LinkedIn to get the journalist's contact information. Search 'Journalist'. This will bring you a list of journalists plus their contact information. You can also get in touch with your desired journalist through twitter. 

Make the subject line and content of your press release eye-catching.
For your content to be easily accepted by a journalist, it must meet the standards. It must be short, unique, specific and informative. In short, it must be newsworthy. Not too self-promotional. The subject line must be eye-catching but not a clickbait. If you're not using how to go about it, consider hiring a professional to do it for you using a  journalistic approach.

When sending your press release, include the contact information of your business and the distribution date.

Follow up.
Follow up to get information about the success of the press release distribution. Most press release distribution companies offer reporting services either weekly or monthly.