In Annapolis, you have your hands full with everything going on in the city. Like the world of Metropolis (the Superman capital city), you will encounter all sorts of things, and people, especially if you’re a business. But even if you have a residence that needs some good blacktop, it’s going to be hard to find in most cases. That’s because most of the asphalt pavers are more for commercial clients and businesses. Fortunately, there’s many ways to find the right asphalt pavers in the area, you just have to do some digging (which we’ll explain how to do).


Know the Various Resources You Have
One thing that a lot of people don’t realize, is that many of the best asphalt paving companies have a website like AC Paving LLC, often complete with a portfolio, and even customer reviews in most cases. If you need any information about asphalt paving, many will offer “free quotes” on their websites once you call them and provide your contact information.

Another thing you can do is do extensive research on your favorite search engine. Many have business listings on search engines on Google, and you can check their reviews on there, as well as check for references that they may have provided names of for previous projects. Sometimes the people are more honest online than they would be if you called them if there were any problems. Don’t hesitate to look online.

The Classics
The yellow pages is still the section of a phone book where you can find a pretty good asphalt paving team. It may require some more work on your part. You need to know what questions to ask them when you’re calling and inquiring, and make sure that you don’t step on any toes.

Things to Say and Do When Shopping Around
Always make sure that the contractor you talk to is insured (and if they’re a team, that the whole company is insured – you don’t want any surprises for accidents that may occur). On top of that, you want to make sure that you’re not stepping on any toes. Never give your contractor any advice on pricing, as the more experienced they are, the more they’re going to charge – that’s because they probably offer higher quality work than the other guy who isn’t charging very much. Also, beware of what prices that seem too low to be true. In almost every case, they are.

Some things you may want to ask the asphalt company is things like:
How many years of experience do you have working with this type of project?
What types of paving do you do most, commercial or residential?
Can I get a few references and most recent jobs contact details? (always ask for about 5 total).
How many people will be working on this or do you work alone?

If you’re looking for the best commercial paving company in Annapolis, you need to be sure that you follow many of the things mentioned above, and don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as possible. You probably want to write everything down, and then compare the pros and cons of each one.