Being wrongly accused of a crime can wreak havoc on every aspect of the person who is believed to have committed a crime. It can disrupt the personal, professional and social life of the person and clearing your name is a huge task.

Public attorneys are overworked and underpaid. So, leaving your defense to them in case you are wrongly accused is risky business. Hiring a well-known attorney with a good track record to conduct your criminal defense is a good idea if you want to avoid wrongful punishment. Just being accused can have serious implications on the life of a person. So, no matter how big or small the case, every proceeding deserves equal importance. A well-educated criminal defense attorney who is familiar with the criminal justice system is essential for you to win your case. 


What Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Do? 
The police are collecting evidence against you at every step and any of these can be used during the court proceedings to make the case against you stronger. The foremost job of a criminal defense attorney includes safeguarding your constitutional rights throughout the time that the jury is out on your case. Besides attending and representing the accused in hearings, the criminal defense attorney must chalk out a plan to defend the accused. Evidences must be examined by the criminal defense attorney to check for discrepancies and determining whether the evidence is relevant or not.

Discrepancies in evidence and irrelevant evidences can be used during proceedings as arguments to exclude certain evidences. Then the case can be argued on the lines of not having enough evidence. Speaking with witnesses and negotiating pleas are also part of the criminal defense attorney's job. If the case proceeds to trials then your defense is in the hands of your criminal defense attorney. Prosecutors look for opportunities to win their cases because they want to win over the general public's faith by showing that the alleged bad guys are being punished. 

Cases that Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help with
Criminal defense attorneys can help with cases that include charges of 
1. assault 
2. domestic assault
3. theft
4. murder/homicide
5. sex crimes 
6. drug charges
7. weapon charges
8. student representation
9. professional repercussions from charges and convictions
10. expungements/pardons

It is very important to strategize with your lawyers about what is the best route to take for you to win your case. Some of the arguments that can use in your defense are: 
1. self-defense
2. duress
3. insanity
4. entrapment
5. incompetency to stand trial
6. mistaken identity
7. innocence of the crime

When you are preparing your arguments to defend yourself then you must openly discuss with your criminal defense attorney which of these factors can be used best in your defense. A good criminal defense attorney goes a long way in wading through the murky waters of the justice system. 

To Conclude
Criminal defense attorneys can make or break your case as you fight to prove your innocence in a criminal case. So, it is advisable to be very conscious while choosing a criminal defense to fight your case. A reputable attorney who is equipped with knowledge of the justice system should be your top priority if you are seeking to clear your name off of a criminal charge. You must also make sure to check that the attorney you are hiring is well-versed with the legislations which are specific to the place where the case is being fought. This will make things easier for you and the attorney as well as you look to get your name cleared.