Within business, a lot of information and important details can be discussed and shared through meetings. Furthermore, plenty of good ideas and creative solutions to problems are created during these collaborative get-togethers, making them truly useful and vital tools for increasing productivity within a workplace. 

However, the effectiveness of a meeting is dictated by how much the individuals in the team note down what is being said and discussed. This is because, if key ideas and pieces of information aren’t recorded and are forgotten, then the meeting will lose its effectiveness and purpose. It’s for this reason that most businesses record their meetings, so that what was said can always be stored and drawn upon at a later date. The issue here is that going over potentially hours’ worth of recorded audio to find a specific nugget of information can be exceedingly difficult and time-consuming. It’s for this reason that people should instead transcribe their meetings and verbal interactions, as finding information within a document is far easier than looking for it in audio files. 

That’s just one important reason why people should record and transcribe their meetings and interviews. Here’s an overview of some of the other reasons why businesspeople should carry out the transcription process. 


Increased Accuracy 

When interviewing a client or a person who you want to be the subject of an article or blog piece, you need to make sure that what you’re quoting them as saying is accurate and that it was actually spoken. Of course, you can find this information by listening back to the interview, but that can take a very long time depending on how long you spoke for. 

Transcribing helps you avoid this issue, as verbatim transcription offered by a company such as Verbit allows you to capture what was said word for word in a text document, therefore allowing you to maintain a high level of accuracy and also making it easier to find key quotes. Accuracy is important, and being able to look up what was said allows for you to remain free from confusion. 

Better Engagement 

Transcription can allow the interviewer to better focus on the interview and engage better with the answers they are getting, as well as with the person that they’re talking to. This is because knowing that there is a transcript to view after the meeting or interview means there is no obligation to write your own notes, which can distract you a lot from the conversation. Getting a transcription gives an interviewer one less problem to worry about, making it easier to create a better interview or conversation where you can ask the more important questions. 

Saves Time 

Transcribing even a half an hour interview can take an in-house member of staff as long as four hours to complete, depending on their experience level. This means that while they do this, they’re unable to work on other, more pressing tasks, resulting in them falling behind and becoming less productive

To combat this, hiring a transcription service will enable your interviews to be transcribed much faster, as the professional transcribers will have all the proper equipment to carry out the process efficiently and effectively.