
Do you want to remodel your swimming pool but don't know where to begin? Although remodeling indeed entails a lot of planning and decision-making, the fact is that there is an easy, step-by-step guide on how to complete a pool remodeling project with the least amount of stress and disruption to your daily routine possible.

The result would always provide you with a high degree of satisfaction. As you progress, each requirement of pool need will be met. The best part is that you'll be so happy that your backyard escape is finished that you'll be itching to jump in and enjoy your newly remodeled pool!

Are you prepared to get started? Let's get this party started.

First And Foremost

Contractors usually map out the expected start and completion times to set expectations. However, bear in mind that these are just projections that may change depending on a variety of variables, incidents, and circumstances. There are a lot of moving parts in this project, much as in most design, renovation, or remodeling projects. They all work together to accomplish the same purpose.

Every day, pool remodeling professionals work to get you closer to a perfectly remodeled pool. When unforeseen events occur, such as delays, material adjustments, and so on, the completion date is impacted. Skilled pool remodelers tend to predict these scenarios and have contingency plans in place just in case. 

Understanding these points would almost always result in a more pleasant working environment for both contractors and homeowners. There is less tension and strain, and work is done much more quickly than expected!

The Ins And Outs Of The Remodelling Process


Emptying The Pool

A submersible pump with a hose leading to the street is mounted at the bottom of your pool. Depending on the size of your pool, the draining process will take anywhere from 6 to 12 hours. In the case of spas, you can fully drain them on the same day and chip them out of the pool as well.

When your pool is fully drained of water, the submersible pump can make a loud "slurping" sound. It is recommended that homeowners unplug the pump's power cord from the outlet.

The Chipping Process

In this step, the pool's surface is chipped and primed, and if the homeowners have requested tiling, this is when it is done. Chipping has to be the noisiest of all the pool remodeling phases and takes about half a day to complete. Contractors clean up the gunite shell as well as the surrounding area.

Installing The Tiling

For the newly remodeled pool, homeowners get to pick their favorite tiles. The grout is applied. Depending on the number of tiles, the whole process will take a day or two. The tile trims on the steps are applied on the last day of the plastering process if you've chosen a plaster finish.

The Surface Work

A truck will be used to consistently mix the pebbles and the plaster, which later pumps the mixture into the swimming pool. The surface trowelling process is then done by hand, taking 4 to 6 hours.

The Pebbles

If the pebble application is complete, the contractor will finish with an acid wash over the pool surface. This marks the beginning of the pre-filling process. The Pebble application process is typically fast, taking just a few hours.

Letting The Water In

They will start adding water once the pebble acid wash and plaster are in place. Water must pass halfway up the tile line or the skimmer opening before the water flow is shut off; homeowners must be present during this operation. It is important that you do not turn off the water flow before filling the pool; otherwise, water lines can appear on the inside of the pool.

Controlling the flow of water is one way to do this. Slow it down if you like, but don't stop until the pool is full. Filling up the pool will take anywhere from 12 to 48 hours, depending on the size of the pool and the water pressure.


If you're using plaster or pebble, the post-water startup can differ. Plastered pools are similar to pebble-based pools in that they take a few days to complete rather than a few hours in a single session. Since plaster is more sensitive than pebble-based baths, homeowners will have to match the pH level of the water to that of an acidic state for a longer time.

Homeowner’s Roles In the Process

To make the remodeling process go more smoothly, it's up to you to make sure the following things occur:

1. When filling your pool, we discussed how important it is to keep an eye on the water level. If you don't wait until the line hits the top of the tiles or halfway up the skimmer until turning off the water supply and flow, you'll end up with unsightly water lines at the end of your remodeling project.
2. If you want a colored plaster for your pool, you must be present when the mixer finishes mixing the colors to check if the sample is the right color. Before the plaster is pumped out into the tub, you must complete this stage. If you have the chance to see it, it's always a good idea to give an official stamp of approval.
3. Hire a professional pool service company to perform check-ups and regular inspections on the chemistry of your pool water. You can get test strips or kits from a local store to do your tests, or you can get water samples and have the experts do the testing for you.


Pool remodeling requires a lot of time, care, and finances to execute. However, you must understand the importance of hiring professionals and being present throughout the process. And as you remodel the pool, be sure to incorporate a high-quality filtering system by purchasing the right pond filter supplies for your pool.