
A home warranty is a useful insurance and a protection plan against the malfunction, breakdown, and replacement of home appliances.

Many find it confusing with the homeowner’s insurance. The homeowner’s insurance covers the house and the structure itself if any damage happened to the property due to floods, fire, earthquake, or any natural calamities. 

Whereas the home warranty covers the repair and replacement of each and individual appliances that are in the house, broken down due to normal daily usage. Always read the home warranty company reviews before buying one.

For instance, if a tree in your garden or in the street falls on your home, the cost for the repair would be covered by the homeowner’s insurance. And if your washing machine or air conditioner stopped working due to some malfunction, the cost for the repair or replacement of the item would be covered by the home warranty. 

What all are covered under the home warranty?

The following are the list of items that generally a home warranty would cover:

Lights and other such electronic appliances like stereos

Underground and inside the house plumbing works and garbage disposals system

HVAC and Ac units, and other heating and cooling devices

Electronic home appliances like washer, dryer, etc

Kitchen appliances like oven, dishwasher, etc

It covers most of the appliances and devices that are used in the house and so it is easy to see the importance of a home warranty to the house owners.

For Instance, you have a refrigerator that you bought years back, and it fails after the warranty period. In this case, it could cost you thousands of bucks to fix the issue. 

But if you have a home warranty, you could simply claim online or through the customer service team and they will take care of the rest. Once the claim is approved, the customer care representative from the home warranty provider would call and help you solve the issue. Read the home warranty company reviews to find more details.

Is a home warranty really necessary?

No one could predict when an appliance or device that is used in the house might fail, so having a home warranty is always worth it. This type of protection plan would offer peace of mind and would avoid a lot of unwanted tension and panicking when a major device in the house goes off and also saves the time that is spent on searching for a trusted contractor in the locality.

In the case of purchasing a newly constructed home, you would not require a home warranty. This is because the home will come with brand new devices and home appliances that would already have a manufacturer’s warranty. This warranty will cover any damage to the system due to defective parts or faulty workmanship.

But one thing to keep in mind is that the manufacturer’s warranty would usually expire within a period of one or two years. Also, this warranty would not cover any damage that is made due to daily wear and tear. So it was always recommended to apply for a home warranty, once the manufacturer’s warranty expires.

Buy a home warranty, if:

You want to reduce the amount spent on repairing and replacing home appliances and devices.

You own a house that was built many years ago.

You want to protect all of your home appliances and systems.

You are trying to sell your house and want to attract potential buyers.

You are new to the locality and don't know any technician in that area.

Benefits of a Home warranty

A home warranty makes the home buying process easier by providing the reassurance that the buyer can move in without worrying about any sudden expense on repairing or replacing any appliance. 

A home warranty can be seen as important not only for homebuyers but also for the ones who are selling their homes. While listing a warranty can cover appliances and home amenities, if they are not covered by it already.

Framing a budget and understanding what all items should be covered and why is it that you need a home warranty would make it useful and affordable. Besides that, the specific significance of a home warranty depends on each homeowner’s respective needs.

However, like for most things in life, there would be people who really appreciate or agree with the thing and there would also be people who don't agree with it. Some people feel that a home warranty is not so necessary. 

Typically, a warranty is not required for a new home, but the older your home is, the greater the chance of something will eventually go wrong with a big appliance like AC. At that point in time, it would be of great relief if you have those appliances covered under a home warranty.