
The average startup agent hopes to close a "big-fish" property someday. And if possible, they'd achieve such a feat within the next week. Yes—and one more thing. They don't just want one "big break." They want the whole event repeated in a cycle as frequently as their imaginations would permit. Sounds like a fairy tale? Not exactly. 

Whether you're hoping to have your first big closing or retain high-profile clients, there's a way out. With a comprehensive real estate marketing plan, you’d soon be signing frequent and efficient closings. These real estate marketing ideas are part of best-selling success tips senior experts teach for a premium. Let’s get to business.

Operate Engaging Social Media Accounts 

Social media accounts are an excellent avenue to reach a large stream of potential customers. Just about every smartphone owner has a social media account. So, one of the first places prospects would look to assess you is social media. For a start, how about setting up an interactive Instagram page? 

Your Instagram handle would contain posts, videos, and photos of beautiful properties you want to market. Also, consider joining Instagram and Twitter trends and hashtags to put your best foot in people's faces regularly. Like, share, and comment on posts discussing trending real estate market topics. If you still need more ideas, check out what competitors or local market leaders are doing online.

Create a Local Google My Business (GMB) Profile

A GMB description allows you to set up a local business page that's easily visible online. The good news is that creating a prime advert through a GMB description is free of charge. In creating your profile, utilize keywords to make residents searching online readily find your page.

So, your GMB description could be titled along the lines of "Massachusetts Real Estate Agent Jack Jane." Flip around the words, or use synonyms. The idea remains to get local searchers to stumble on your GMB profile. Remember to canvass for positive reviews from past customers to boost your profile's credibility.

Utilize High-Profile Photography

Use top-quality photography techniques to create concepts that’ll captivate your prospective clients. You and I know that people tend towards judging a book by its cover. And first impressions tend to linger for long. Even if you have a good deal, your prospects won’t probably know it unless it “appears” so.

Hire a professional photographer whose specialty includes taking real estate shots. You may also have video showings and drone photography to highlight your sale further. Imagine the extra effect a video showing would give to the same product and the same price! Mind-blowing, isn't it? When it comes to real estate photography, you want to put in your best.

Sign up with Top Real Estate Directories

Real estate experts who have gathered unique real estate marketing ideas know the advantage of directories. Ensure you have a strong presence on high-brow websites like Zillow and You'd be amazed at the number of referrals and customers you could get from these sites.

Visit any or some of these directories to create a captivating profile for your firm. Zillow alone, for instance, has the potential to get your agency in front of thousands of viewers. After treating your clients rightly, ask them for positive reviews and share your profile on other platforms. is another big listing site operated by the National Association of Realtors (NAR). It’s a comprehensive directory of properties that gets millions of monthly viewers. Interestingly, comes across as an authority listing for realtors. By setting up a profile with them, your firm’s poised to accrue more visibility and credibility.

Monitor Your Pages with Google Analytics

It’s one thing to take steps at advertising your business. It’s another thing to know whether or not your efforts lead directly into sales. Real estate advertising needs Google Analytics to track various metrics regarding your website. Moreover, Google Analytics helps you know what marketing strategy works best—and which is unproductive. The data provides help in reviewing your marketing strategies towards meeting your overall industry goals.

Network with Local Business

Partner with local outfits and invite them to open house events and public property showings. Strategically connect with businesses such as interior décor showrooms, boutiques, and home equipment outlets. Doing so gives you two advantages at once. One, you're networking potential clients as they view each property you have. Also, you're creating a network of persons who could refer you to their clientele.

Ask Directly for Referrals

According to a 2018 NAR survey, over 40% of real estate deals began from human referrals. Endeavor to create a solid referral system from past clients and other social connections. After closing a sale, you could send a follow-up email to your past clients. Somewhere in the mail, you could chip in a referral request--and possibly include an incentive plan. That is, you could promise them some light gift like a branded mug or wear, for referring someone.

Set up a Professional Website

If you're thinking of workable online real estate marketing ideas, you can't overrule having a great website. A user-friendly website allows prospective clients to see what you're offering quickly. It'd take them straight to what they want—good real estate property sales—without unnecessary crop-ups. Update your site regularly to reflect changes in the market so you don't misinform your prospects.

It'd help if you saw to it that your agency's website is a professional one. That is, it's operational enough to provide them what they're looking for against esthetic themes. The goal is to keep them coming to view your market and possibly retaining loyal clientele. Moreover, you could include a blog on your website for intriguing and educating real estate discussions. And that leads us to our last trip.

Employ SEO Content Writing Techniques

SEO content writing tools are beneficial in promoting your business through keyword optimization. Reach out to SEO experts in creating traffic-driving articles for you. You may also liaise with third-party blogs to post contents that would market your business. And if blogging doesn't sound fanciful to you, consider advertising on platforms like LinkedIn or Medium. With basic SEO skills, you can write quality content that'd put your agency where you want it.

Any of the above real estate marketing ideas, or a combination of them, can generate sales frequently for your firm. Just like other forms of marketing, real estate agent marketing requires time to yield maximally. While you're ensuring your firm gets to the public, keep learning the ropes of the industry. That way, you'd get better at marketing deals, plus other professional sectors of real estate businesses.