A good memory is a real treasure. This ability plays an extremely important role in everyone's life, although its mechanisms are not yet fully understood. There is no doubt that when memory is not used, it loses its valuable properties. Therefore, to effectively use the capabilities of your memory and be a top student in your class, you need to consider a few important points.

Human Memory Is Complex

Anyone who cares about improving memory and good memory must first understand that human memory is extremely complex. There are three main processes associated with it:


Therefore, to improve the quality of memory, you need to influence all of the above areas. Often people tend to focus only on memorization, thus not using the many other "options" that memory offers.

Nutrition And Lifestyle Are Important For Memory

Nutrition is often mentioned when it comes to improving brain function. What we eat is inextricably linked to how our memory works. It is very important that our menu is varied - every day the body needs many different nutrients, and the brain, although not a large organ in size, has an extremely high need for energy. There are a few rules to follow:

Eating breakfast every day.
From 4 to 5 meals a day at a certain time.
Lots of fruits and vegetables, raw if possible.
Consumption of fatty sea fish, skim milk, legumes, eggs, and vegetable oils.
At least 2 liters of water a day.

Do not forget about rest, sleep and exercise, preferably outdoors. The way of life we lead is of great importance in the context of the smooth functioning of our memory. Take care of your memory and it will take care of you back. This way you will always remember all your deadlines and to-do lists. And in case you forget something, you could use some help from a professional essay writer to complete your academic assignments on time.

Ways To Have A Good Memory

There are many ways to keep your memory in good shape - you should try different methods to find the most effective one for you. This is an individual issue, there is no universal advice here.

If we want to improve memory, we must pay attention to an important aspect of the purpose of learning. Various incentives motivate us to acquire knowledge, such as the desire to pass an exam or improve professional skills. Having a clearly defined goal makes it easier for us to mobilize for learning.

The following tips are very useful in exercises to improve memorization:

The goal is not to remember everything - no one can do that. Therefore, it is wise to focus on your priorities and not be distracted by small things. If what has priority is the need to study a significant amount of information, it is best to divide it into several smaller parts, while making notes.
Making short notes is a very useful thing that anyone can do. Notes should be systematized - when there is chaos, they will be difficult to remember. Key issues should be highlighted, for example, with colored markers. According to scientists, yellow, blue, and orange colors contribute to better memory. When making notes, you can use colored stickers.
"Mind map" is one of the most famous ways to improve memory. It is to draw in the middle of the document something related to this topic, and write around the words related to it, and connect them with drawing lines. New words are added to the first. It is desirable to have this card insight to remember well the information that is on it.
Mnemonics is another popular technique that improves memorization. This term should be understood as the arrangement of patterns, slogans, or rhymes that help memorize particularly complex things.
Order - people who live, work in dirty and cluttered rooms or offices, have difficulty concentrating. It's easier to focus and remember when order is around you. Cleaning the workplace takes a few minutes, but brings a number of tangible benefits.
Planning - those who plan remember information much better. This applies not only to complex tasks but also to small daily activities, even such as a shopping list. Memory likes transparency and clarity in all areas of life.
Regularity - the constant postponement of something makes memorization unstable. People who regularly acquire special knowledge, such as students, memorize faster and more efficiently.
Positive attitude - despite all the superstitions, it is of great importance. For example, the phrase "I do not remember it anyway" will not bring anything good. Therefore, you should change some of your habits, show understanding about yourself. If you pay too much attention to your failures, it will definitely not help you. Mistakes should be treated as lessons learned and constructive conclusions drawn.