CBD is a cannabinoid that's starting to gain popularity. It's like CBD's sibling and can help treat many conditions. It's currently being studied for treating seizures and other neurological disorders. It's also being used to treat symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This includes anxiety, seizures, and mood issues.


It's Non-Psychoactive

CBDV, also known as CBCV, is one of the minor cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. Unlike THC and CBD, CBDV is non-psychoactive. This can help users experience the healing and wellness benefits of cannabis without getting high or suffering from the side effects associated with THC. While CBDV isn't as well-known as THC or CBD, it is gaining interest in the medical world for its broad-spectrum potential. Research has shown that CBDV benefits in managing seizures, reducing anxiety and depression, normalizing body weight, and inhibiting nausea.

It's Non-Intoxicating

Unlike THC and CBD, CBDv doesn't interact with CB1 receptors in the brain. Instead, it appears to activate TRP ion channels and reduce pain perception, appetite, body temperature, and nausea. This cannabinoid has been around for a while, but it wasn't until recently that researchers could extract and study it more thoroughly. It has shown much promise in treating childhood treatment-resistant epilepsy and autism spectrum disorders.

This cannabinoid also has anti-anxiety properties by interacting with prefrontal GABA systems and stimulating the neurotransmitter glutamate. It also has promising effects on the gut and gastrointestinal issues. There is a lot of excitement about the potential of this cannabinoid, which is why it is being researched more and more. 

It's Safe

Cannabidivarin, commonly known as CBD, is one of the many cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. It is slightly different from CBD, but it has been shown to have unique benefits.

CBD has been used to treat seizures caused by a rare genetic disorder called Rett syndrome, and it has also been found to help reduce anxiety and improve social interactions in people with autism. It has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and to ease nausea.

CBD can be found in low concentrations in cannabis plants and hemp, but efforts are underway to breed strains that produce high levels. It has also been shown to work well alongside other cannabinoids, including CBD, in a process known as synergy. This is important because CBDv might offer additional benefits when combined with other phytocannabinoids, such as THCv and CBGv, that share similar side chains.

It's Effective

CBD has been found to act as an anticonvulsant in animal studies and is currently undergoing clinical trials as a treatment for intractable epilepsy. CBDV's anticonvulsant properties are derived from its ability to desensitize the brain's TRPV1 receptor (also known as the vanilloid receptor).

CBDV also reduces anxiety by affecting GABA signaling in the brain, although this research is still very early and needs to be repeated on neurotypical subjects. CBDV is being studied as a potential treatment for autism spectrum disorder, and the results of a 2019 study published in Translational Psychiatry suggest that CBDV may help to curb PTZ seizures associated with ASD.