Mike Hughes, the former president of The Martin Agency, recently passed away after a long and public battle with cancer. He was 65.


Initially diagnosed with lung cancer in the 1990s, Hughes was given "two weeks to live" by his doctors last January.
He been blogging his fight in May 2013, which included thoughts about the industry and some of the lessons he had learned.

Despite the hurdles, he kept it going right until the end. Below is the last post that was published on the day of his death:
After many unexplained delays, I have finally lived up to my prognosis and have at last departed this life. It’s been a life I’ve loved.

In the months leading up to this moment, I was astonished at the outpouring of love and caring and respect from hundreds of people.  There were handwritten notes, emails, blog posts, comments, letters, magazine articles, personal visits and phone calls. The tsunami of glorious thoughts sent my way has made it increasingly hard to justify my deep insecurity about my place in the world—an insecurity I’ve clung to all my life.

I want to take this last opportunity to clear up one common misjudgment in the oft-repeated, highly exaggerated list of my virtues.  Many of you have credited me with humility.  That’s not even close to true.
You can read the rest of it here.