
Imagine seeing these presents piled up under your Christmas tree? Notice the ice crystals in that "snowflake" patterned wrapping paper? These are actually microscopic views of viruses responsible for causing influenza, the common cold, and pneumonia.


This all part of the Wrap-Up Project by London creative agency WCRS, which was created to raise awareness of the homeless in the U.K:
We believe that everyone should have a decent place to live, something meaningful to do, and enjoy good health.

When the temperature drops, homeless people become particularly vulnerable. The snowflake patterns in our wrapping paper designs depict the common cold, influenza and pneumonia--all ailments which pose serious risk to those living rough on our streets.
So if you'd like to support the homeless and get some creative wrapping paper at the same time, go here. One sheet costs £2.95, a set of three cost £8, five are available for £12.50 and 10 for £24.