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As most doctors will tell you, the common causes of back pain can range from the simple to the complex. But did you know back pain is an actual symptom rather than a diagnosis? That means anything could have caused that pain in your back. In fact, some of the causes might have nothing to do with your back at all, as this list below from explains:
Science has revealed more reasons why you should cut back on salt. Research has shown consuming too much salt and being inactive may be at risk not only for heart disease but also cognitive decline, particularly in older adults. More from USA Today:
It's long been believed that people who smoke the mint-flavored cigarettes are less likely to quit, and now new study claims effect is especially pronounced among certain ethnic groups.

Studies have found that menthol cigarette smokers were about 9% less likely to have quit smoking overall compared with those who smoked non-menthol cigarettes. When researchers observed the quit rates among certain ethnic groups who smoke menthol cigarettes, they found that Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin and African-Americans were less likely to quit smoking:
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