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Most of us know the risk factors for a stroke--smoking cigarettes, having a sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol, and the list goes on.

But now, new research suggests that not getting enough sleep could contribute to your risk of getting a stroke. A study presented at teh SLEEP 2012 conference showed that middle to older-aged people who get less than six hours of sleep a night have a higher stroke risk, even if they don't have a history of stroke and aren't overweight, and also don't have an increased risk for obstructive sleep apnea.
This just sucks. According to new research carried out by three separate universities found that despite all of society's protestations that fat people are just thin people with problems, it turns out that they don't really see fat people that way.
As if working women didn't have enough to worry about, now a new study has shown that working late nights might actually increase one's risk of developing breast cancer.

For the study, researchers at the Danish Cancer Society observed 18,500 women working for the Danish army between 1964 and 1999. The women were asked to complete a questionnaire which included questions on their working patterns, use of the Pill and HRT, sunbathing habits and whether they classified themselves as a ‘morning’ or ‘evening’ person.
Compulsive shopping is a habit that often results in being in debt. But now there's a new pill that shows promise in helping compulsive shoppers curb their devastating habit.

The medication known as 'memantine' is normally prescribed to prevent deterioration in patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s. When psychiatrists handed out these pills to shopaholics, tests showed they spent less time shopping and reduced their usual amount spent on impulse buys.
Anti aging. It's big business. There are pills, creams, and a handful of advice and diets and more that attempt to help you in that process. Everyone wants to look forever young. Or at least, stay healthy and live longer.
If you're an adult woman who suffers from embarrassing teenager-style acne problem, don't fret. The condition known as 'adult acne' is becoming prevalent among post-teens. According to the NY Times, doctors aren't sure as to why more women are now suffering from adult acne.
While some people aren't afraid of undergoing a little joint readjustment, a new study from the University of Exeter has found that many of the randomized trials conducted on chiropractic treatments tend to rule out reports of any adverse effects. From the Guardian:
Popping a pill every day to avoid getting knocked up seems pretty straightforward,  but some ladies prefer using contraceptives like vaginal rings or the patch. However, a new study has shown that these methods might also carry an increased risk of blood clots.
Everyone knows that too much time in the sun isn't good for your skin. It massively increases the chances of developing skin cancer, and as new research shows and suggests, a compound found in most sunscreens may alos increase the chances of getting melanoma.
It's scary to think that more babies out there are born addicted to painkillers like Vicodin or Oxycontin. Known as neonatal abstinence syndrome, the symptoms are the same for babies addicted to heroin.
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