
Remember how easy it was to get Kim Kardashian to accompany you to a ball of your choice? All you need is $500,000. She accepted the cash from Richard Lugner because it was too easy, and she had to be his date to Vienna's annual Opera Ball.

Kanye West is now upset. Because his future mother-in-law pimped her out like a GD prostitute. Radar reports:
“He went nuclear when Kim told him someone had used the N-word in front of her and one of the guests was dressed in blackface. It was his advice to leave right away, no questions asked.”
As we previously reported, Kardashian was paid $500,000 to be his date.
“It’s not about the money. Kanye told her no more paid appearances. It was selling her soul and not worth it. How much more money does Kim need? It cheapens Kim and her brand to be paid to go to parties,” the source added.
This is why Anna Wintour doesn't like Kim Kardashian. Need we say more? But is momsy Kris Jenner going to start losing profits from the lucrative Kardashian? No no no.
We’ve also learned momager Kris Jenner is balking at West’s new demands because she gets a percentage of the paychecks her daughter collects!
“Kris gets a 10 percent cut of all deals she brokers on behalf of Kim, which means she made $50,000 off of the Austrian appearance,” the source said.
How will this end, we wonder.