Bryan Singer Got Accused of Raping a Teenage Boy
Bryan Singer, director of the X-Men franchise, Superman Returns and more is now being accused of raping a teenage boy in Hawaii back in 1999. From Variety:
Marc Collins-Rector, the former chairman of Digital Entertainment Network. is also cited in the Singer lawsuit, although he is not named as a defendant. He is accused of initiating the sexual abuse of Egan and arranging for Singer to assault Egan at a house in Encino, Calif.
Collins-Rector is a registered sex offender and plead guilty in 2004 to luring minors across state lines for sexual acts. The lawsuit alleges that Collins-Rector and his Digital Entertainment Network investors, including Singer, would lure young men to a house dubbed the M & C Estate in Encino ... But the parties at the M&C Estate were "well known and notorious" among "many men in the Hollywood entertainment industry," the suit states, as they were "typically sordid and featured sexual contact between adult males and the many teenage boys who were present," along with the distribution of alcohol and drugs.
The mutant superpower that Singer needs right now is a good lawyer. More Articles
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