
The Kardashians are going to bring their brand of class to the Hamptons this summer via their DASH boutique. And guess what? Not all residents are thrilled about it. Or rather none are thrilled. From the New York Post:

Restaurateur Irma Herzog has drawn the ire of residents by leasing her property, an art gallery space adjacent to her Driver's Seat Restaurant, to Khloé and Kourtney, who are expected rent a nearby mansion.

A source said, "Southamptonites are abuzz that Irma Herzog has betrayed their village . . . Will Irma also be bringing back another bout of hepatitis? [Last year a worker was diagnosed with hep A, but inspectors later gave the restaurant a clean bill.] Now she brings trash to her backyard. People are lining up to buy Irma's property and get her out of town. She is a piranha."