
While Martha Stewart has said that Blake Lively should just do her thing - acting that is, Blake is still working towards that goal. Blake told E! News what she thinks about Martha's words.
“I want to have my own path professionally and even as she said, I’m an actress. I’m doing something totally different so now I sort of have two careers going on and it’ll be interesting to see how it all pans out. But really what it is, is I have two passions. And I think ultimately, I will always be doing both, but one is going to be paying the bills better than the other.

It’s what I know better than acting so being in this space is something I’ve done my whole life, just not professionally. So now it’s something that I get to share with more people. I’ve been sharing it with friends forever. I didn’t even tell most friends that I was doing it because they still get their own curated products and gifts from me. I’m that girl.”
As for Martha, Blake said that she does want to be Martha Stewart, because everybody wants to be Martha Stewart.
“Who doesn’t want to be Martha Stewart? Martha Stewart has been a huge inspiration to me my entire life. She’s a huge source of inspiration for my mom. She’s how I came to know and love Martha. I always say that Martha Stewart Living is the only magazine I ever had growing up. I never had Tiger Beat or any of that stuff.”
So no more acting?