
Kristen Stewart went on Elle magazine for a chat to talk about how good her career is. She also reveals why she doesn't smile when paparazzi take her picture.

“As soon as you start thinking about your career as a trajectory — like, as if you’re going to miss out on some wave or momentum — then you’re never doing anything for yourself anyway. Then you’re truly, actually, specifically working for the public. You’re turning yourself into a bag of chips.”

She's never smiling and it is on purpose.

“Now I feel like if I smiled for a paparazzi photo — not that I ever would — that’s exactly what people would be desecrating me for. They’d be like, ‘Now you’re going to give it up, now you’re a sellout.’ Like, okay. What do you want? What would you like?”

Everyone prefers Kristen Stewart in bitch resting face mode.