
Kim Kardashian is distancing herself from the business side of her family and has hired a new publicist. Does she not want to be apart of the Kardashian family anymore? From the New York Post:
We're told the new mother has moved on from PMK*BNC's Jill Fritzo, who has tirelessly represented the entire Kardashian clan for years, to Sarah Jessica Parker's publicist, Slate PR co-founder Ina Treciokas. She also represents Woody Harrelson, Owen Wilson, Liev Schreiber and Justin Theroux. Treciokas' firm also reps Jennifer Aniston.

A source tells us, "Kim wants to set herself apart from the Kardashian p.r. machine, and Kanye West advised her to build her own team."
Maybe Anna Wintour will like her now?