
Taylor Swift isn't going to like this. Selena Gomez allegedly hooked up with some Union J singer - George Shelley after the group opened for her a few weeks ago in Portugal. She clearly has a boy band type. According to a source:
"She invited all the Union J boys and some other members of her entourage to her room and they had a great time drinking and dancing. Selena and George were all over each other and things got very heated. Everyone else left the room at 2AM so they were able to spend the night together. Nobody was annoyed with George. After all, he's being pursued by one of the biggest pop stars in the world - it's any lad's dream come true."

The pair's meeting was arranged after Selena admitted she had a crush on George in a recent interview, and she then booked the band for her show.
What would Taylor Swift say about this?