
Jennifer Lopez is a super diva. But she's hotter than Lena Dunham. So are we going to look the other way, since she's hot which means humble and down to earth? From the National Enquirer:
[Before dropping out of the film The 33], J.Lo was set to play Maria Segovia, who made headlines when she pitched  a tent and waited endlessly for the miners, including her brother, to be rescued. "But the film also tells the stories of other wives, girlfriends and mothers who waited -- and Jennifer went nuts making sure no actress cast in those roles would be prettier, or have a sexier body than she does," said a source on the film.

"She kept going through hundreds of casting photos and whenever she spotted a female who looked too cute or sexy, she'd slash a big,black 'X' across their face with a Sharpie! The girl doesn't want any competition." (Print Edition - 10/14)