
MTV isn't happy that Miley Cyrus lit up a joint at the European Music Awards on Sunday Night in Amsterdam. From Life & Style:
"Many fans who were seated behind the area were in complete shock. One person said, 'I can't believe how strong that is!' It took a long time for the scent to go away," an eyewitness tells Life & Style. "As soon as she left the stage, a staff member told her to put it out. She had a bit of a verbal exchange with the person before handing it to one of her bouncers."

"She promised that there were not going to be any surprises, so everyone went crazy when she did that," the insider tells the mag. "MTV's legal team had to get involved, as smoking isn't permitted in a public venue. They were told they can't show her smoking indoors [on the US telecast] because it's illegal to do so. It was great publicity, but there have been so many complaints by parents of teenagers who were at the show."
Will MTV ban Miley because of that behavior?
