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It is really common of men to disregard sexual health among daily stress issues, and this is exactly what experts advise against. They want you to give time to yourself and not ignore any signs that make you feel sexually desperate, inactive, or overall not as appealing as you would want yourself to be thanks to your chubby body and size. If size is a concern, you can read about the Bathmate water based pump from this unbiased review. 
Keep your gonads or live longer. Oh, the decisions one has to make in life! And it's all thanks to a new study that claims cutting them off can make increase your lifespan by decades. More from ABC:

The study of over 80 eunuchs from the Chosun Dynasty, which ruled in Korea from 1392 to 1897, looked at the world's only known record of eunuchs' lives and compared them to genealogical records of other men of similar social rank. The researchers cross-checked their results with other royal records.
Having a baby is not the only way you can suffer from urinary incontinence. A recent study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine claims that the problem is just as common in young women who have never been pregnant.
A research team from the University of Michigan claims that women who have higher levels of testosterone prefer pleasuring themselves over sex.

For the study, 105 men and 91 women were asked questions about their sex life as well as undergoing a cheek swab to determine testosterone levels. While the amount of hormones in a man's system has nothing to do with how often he thinks about masturbation or sex, women with high testosterone levels are less likely to want sex and preferred instead to masturbate.
Want to reduce your chances of getting knocked up before your ready for a baby? According to a new study in the New England Journal of Medicine, the intrauterine device (IUD) is now considered "superior" to other forms of birth control due to its higher success rate at preventing unwanted pregnancies.
Guys aren't the only ones interested in hooking up between the sheet. A new survey done by FITNESS Magazine and Yahoo! Shine has shown that women are just as keen when it comes to sexual satisfaction.
Your circumcision might be affecting your erection, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Men’s Health. For the study, researchers surveyed 300 men and found those who were circumcised had a 4.5 times greater chance of suffering from ED compare to their non-circumcised counterparts.
Looks like she's not in the mood, again. But don't take it too personally, because she might not even know why her libido's low.

If your woman happens to be on the pill, then could explain why her sex drive is in neutral gear. A British study has proven that women are slightly less sexually aroused and less sexually attracted to their partner than women who don’t use hormonal birth control.
It's cool if your girlfriend is the type who can easily fit in and become 'one of the guys,' but what happens when she becomes too friendly? According to a new University of Chicago study, it could lead to problems in certain areas i.e. the area between your legs.
There's nothing to be shy about self-pleasuring yourself: at least 27% of Americans have admit to masturbating once or twice a week, according to a survey from adult product peddler And forget about all those ridiculous urban myths that say otherwise, masturbation part of a healthy sex life plus it’s totally safe and harmless.
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