Ibrahim Ali Calls for Mouth Shut to Christians
Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali lauded the Court of Appeal's decision today banning Catholics from using the word "Allah" in the Bahasa Malaysia section of The Herald. Ibrahim shouted cries of "Praise be to Allah", and warned political partie...
Litecoin Review
I came to the conclusion that I had three options on the table at that stage of my experiment mining the crypto-currency:Option 1 - sell up and cut my losses.Option 2 – keep mining at my current rate.Option 3 – buy more rigs and mine even more Litec...
& Windows Alternative Applications in Linux/Mac OS
1. WineStarted in 1993, Wine is an open source project. The project is developed and maintained by the community under the coordina...
How to Make Ubuntu Looks Like Windows 7
Creating a Windows 7-style Ubuntu Ubuntu's default desktop is clean, but not very Windows-like. To be completely honest, Ubuntu's default Unity desktop may be slick and pretty, but it isn’t the most configurable Linux environment around. The taskb...
7 Linux-Made Inventions
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Who Is the Founder of Bitcoin?
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Top 25 Open source Applications
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 ...
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