Flappy Bird Might Have Been Taken Down Thanks to Vietnam's Deputy PM
News of the Vietnamese game developer Dong Nguyen's breakdown following the quick success of "Flappy Bird" shocked everyone. It was strange that a relatively anonymous 29-year old indie game developer making an estimated $50,000 a day in advertis...
DARPA's Futuristic Brain Implant Will Restore Lost Memories [VIDEO]
DARPA is working on a project to create a brain implant for soldiers that can restore memories lost due to head injuries. The implant would be placed inside a soldier's brain to record memories as they happen, and in the case of brain injury, the ...
Dyson is Investing Into The Future of Domestic Robots
Sir James Dyson has a vision for the future: every household will have robots handling household tasks like vacuuming and cleaning windows and more. This week, Dyson announced the creation of a £5 million robotics center at Imperial College London ...
The First Leaked Look At Samsung’s Next Galaxy Phone Design
The leaked rendering from Sonny Dickson above supposedly suggest the design of Samsung's next flagship phone - the Galaxy S5. Dickson has a pretty good track record for leaking gadgets. He was right about the iPad Air weeks before its unveiling. Sa...
This GoPro Went From Being in a Plane, into a Being in a Pig Pen [VIDEO]
GoPro cameras are truly tough products. Here's a crazy tale of one that fell out of a plane, traveled hundreds of feet to the ground and finally made its landing in a pig pen. Eight months later, a random person finds said GoPro, footage intact. Ch...
Cancer Spotting Glasses Will Help Surgeons Look For Bad Cells Easier
Performing cancer surgery is tough. Surgeons have to distinguish cancer cells from healthy cells with high powered microscopes, but even that can be hard to do. Now, there are new glasses, developed by Washington University that could make it a whol...
Twitter is Testing a Major Redesign and It Looks Like Facebook and Google
Twitter's new redesign is in the works, and apparently only a select few have been made privy to the new profile design. The result we hear? A weird mashup of Pinterest, Facebook, and whatever that works on the Internet. The new design gets rid of t...
South Korea's Internet Law Is More Rigid Than You Think
Everyone knows South Korea's Internet connection is of epic speed. Their new broadband network will be so fast, you can download a movie in 5 seconds! But all that internet goodness isn't all that great. The Economist just published some less than f...
Artificial Intelligence Smarthome Hub Will Take Care of You and Your Emotions [VIDEO]
A new smarthome hub is about to enter the market, but it'll do more than just make sure your coffee is brewed when you get out of bed. The EmoSPARK claims to be an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) attuned to your emotional state. It can identify yo...
If You're a Weirdo, People Will Think You Are Good at Art
What correlation does being creative and being weird have? If people think you're weird, they're more than likely to appreciate your art. Which is why Lady Gaga is so damn famous. According to a team of researchers, they wanted to answer the questio...
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