Transparent Bendable Electronics May Be More Widespread Thanks to Gold Nanomesh
Bendy electronics are becoming a trend, and soon, one day, we may be able to roll up our phones or tablets and fit them into our pockets. That reality is becoming closer with scientists discovering the use of gold nanomesh material - it makes the pe...
Watch PillCam Travel Through The Highways of Your Colon [VIDEO]
The tiny pill-size camera known as PillCam, you swallow instead of going through a normal colonoscopy is now approved by the U.S. FDA. Now you get to see the gross and disgusting road it will travel when it's inside you in the video embedded below....
Hackers Can Use Snapchat to DoS Attack Your Smartphone
Snapchat isn't have a good year in security. First, hackers got a massive amount of private user data. Then, they also circumvented its anti-robot feature. Now, cyber-security researchers show how they can use Snapchat to launch a denial of service ...
Can Listening to Music Help Athletes Perform Better? [VIDEO]
Music is calming and relaxing for most, but can it also be a performance enhancer for athletes? Are athletes listening to music for some last minute entertainment or are they listening to specially designed playlists to give them a competitive edge...
Answered: Why Beer Makes You Pee [VIDEO]
Have you ever wondered why beer makes you want to pee so bad and so often? Hank Green of Sci Show explain why in this new educational video. Watch it after the jump:
How Would You Like Infinite Power by Harnessing Vibrations?
A team of scientists from Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research say they can harvest enough electricity from low frequency vibrations to power small electronic devices. Accumulating electric charge in response to mechanical stress...
Some Guy in Iceland is Giving Every Icelander Auroracoins
Iceland is going to get some cryptocurrency. Baldur Friggiar Odinsson, an Icelandic guy who loves altcoins, has created a new form of this cryptocurrency and named it Auroracoin - made specifically for Icelandic folk. And he's giving 31.8 (currently...
How Winter Olympic Athletes’ Bodies Have Changed Since The First Winter Olympics in 1924 [VIDEO]
The first Winter Olympics happened in 1924. AsapSCIENCE takes a look at how winter olympic athletes have changed over the years since its inception. Check out the video after the jump!
Graphene Electronics May Finally Be Possible
Graphene hasn't become a reality just yet in mainstream chips, but a new breakthrough from an international team of scientists might change all of that. The scientists invented a new form of graphene that's ten times more conductive. The impressive ...
Renault KWID Concept Car Comes With a Quadcopter Drone
You're checking out the Renault KWID. It has a quadcopter drone for terrain reconnaissance, and is a three seat prototype. The concept car was presented at the New Delhi Motor Show in India.The KWID can deploy the smart drone at a touch of a button....
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